Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
✓ Direct ELISA – Detects
✓ Indirect ELIA –
Detects antibodies
✓ Microtiter plates
with numerous shallow wells used
✓ Popular as require
little interpretive skills. Results clearly positive or negative
✓ Highly automated
✓ E.g. Home pregnancy
Positive direct
ELISA to detect antigens
✓ To detect presence of
drugs in urine
✓ Ab specific to drug
absorbed on micro titre plate.
✓ Patient’s urine
sample added to well , any of the drug it contained would bind to antibody and
is captured
✓ Well rinsed to remove
unbound drug.
✓ More Ab specific to
drug added to make visible test. Ab with enzyme attached to them are added
✓ A sandwich of
antibody/drug/enzyme-linked Ab formed.
✓ On addition of
substrate for linked enzyme, visible colour produced
Positive Indirect
ELISA to detect Antibodies
✓ To screen blood for
antibodies to HIV.
✓ Microtiter plate contains Ag, such as
inactivated virus that causes disease the
test is designed to
✓ A sample of patient’s
blood added to well. If it has specific Ab it will react with virus.
✓ Rinse well to remove unbound Ab
✓ Rinse well to remove unbound Ab
✓ Positive test contains
virus/ Ab/ enzyme linked ant-HISG sandwich
✓ On addition of substrate for linked enzyme,
visible colour produced
- Ms. Tosha Pandya
Asst. Professor LJIP
- Ms. Tosha Pandya
Asst. Professor LJIP
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