Miracle Tree: Sargavo (Moringa Oleifera)

Moringa oleifera is known as “horseradish tree” or “drumstick tree”, native to India, is one of the best useful tree and an enormous amount of benefits in the world.

Moringa oleifera is one of the moringaceae families. 

Numerous studies have reported its multipurpose use like medicinal and nutritional benefits.

Moringa tree is adrought-tolerant, fast-growing, multi-purpose and one of most useful tree due to its medicinal and nutritional properties in world and therefore described as a ‘miracle tree’

Moringa oleiferais the most promising tree which has used for nutritional benefits, medicinal properties, environmental conservation, and consumption and is the perennial, multipurpose. 

Moringa oleifera is reputedly known as “cabbage tree”, ‘‘drumstick tree” or “horseradish tree”, ‘ben-oil tree’ or ‘benzoil tree’, ‘miracle tree’ and ‘mother’s best friend tree. 

As reported by researchers in different countries, all parts of Moringa oleifera (leaves, fruits, immature pods, and flowers) are combined into the traditional food for human consumption. 

In many parts of the Africa Moringa oleifera is used as a food. For example, dried Moringa leaves and fresh Moringa are involved in meals in countries such as Ethiopia, Nigeria, Malawi East Africa and Ghana used as food.

The seeds of Moringa oleifera is also used for water treatment as water purification and remove bacteria from water up to 99% as indicated. 

Nutrient contents of Moringa oleifera

The most amazing fact about Moringa is that it is a store house of nutrients and medicinal chemicals. 

As it was reported by different scholars, Moringa tree is rich in nutrients such as minerals, fiber and proteins that can play essential role in human nutritional consumption. 

Numerous of the research reports have shown that Moringa oleifera leaves has high protein compared to with other leaves eaten as food.

A recent research on dietary iron supplements and Moringa oleifera leaves influence the liver revealed that iron from Moringa oleifera can overcome iron deficiency.  

According to Villafuerte and Villafurte-Abonal research reports, Moringa contains full of vitamins and nutrients and therefore it is good to have as food for human consumption and as food for animal’s consumption. 

Also it was reported that seeds Moringa contain about between 30-40% oil, 82% unsaturated fatty acids and 13% saturate fats.

Moringa oleifera is a wonderful food tree with a significant source of vitamin C, calcium, proteins and Iron. 

Research report by Rockwood et al. confirmed that, Moringa oleifera dry leaves of contain 9 times proteins than yogurt, 10 times vitamin A than carrot, 25 times iron than spinach, 15 times potassium than bananas, 17 times calcium than milk and 7 times more vitamin C than orange

Because of rich in proteins source Moringa oleifera leaves are suggested by doctors, nutritionists and community health workers to cope with the problems of malnutrition world wide. 

The leaves of Moringa oleifera are rich in minerals like copper, potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc and calcium. 

Vitamins like beta-carotene of vitaminA, vitamin B such as folic acid, pyridoxine and nicotinic acid, vitamin C, D and E also present in Moringa oleifera 

Moringa seed contains antibiotic (pterygospermin), fatty acids like linolenic acid, Linoleicacid, behenic acid andoleic acid (Ben oil); Phytochemicalslike saponin, tannins, phytate, phenolics,terpenoids, flavonoids andlectins

Moringa oleifera has also promoted by World Health Organization (WHO) as an alternative to imported food source to treat malnutrition.

Medicinal benefits/uses of Moringa

Moringa has been used in herbal medicine by Africans and Indians. 

Different studies shown that, all parts of Moringa oleifera (leaves, fruits, immature pods, and flowers) are incorporated into the traditional food of humans in many tropical and subtropical countries.

Various parts of  Moringa tree act as cardiac and possess antitumor, circulatory stimulants, antiepileptic, antipyretic, antiulcer, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, anti-hypertensive, diuretic, antioxidant, anti-diabetic, cholesterol lowering, antibacterial, hepatoprotective and antifungal activities.

Leaves: Moringa leaves treat hyperglycemia, asthma, flu, heart burn, Dyslipidemia, malaria, syphilis, diarrhea, pneumonia, scurvy, headaches, bronchitis, skin diseases, eye and ear infections

Also reduces, blood pressure and cholesterol and acts as an anticancer, Antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-atherosclerotic and ant diabetic agents, neuroprotectant.

Seeds: Numerous researches reported that, Moringa seed powder can be used as for cleaning dirty water in a simple and quick method. Seeds of Moringa help in treating Chrohn’s disease, hyperthyroidism, rheumatism, anti herpes-simplex virus arthritis, cramp, epilepsy gout, and sexually transmitted diseases, can act as antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agents.

Root: Root bark acts as an anti-ulcer, anti-inflammatory and cardiac stimulant agent.

Flower: Many scholars shown that Moringa flowers act as anti-arthritic; hypocholesterolemic agents can cure urinary and cold problems .

Pods: Moringa pods treat liver, diarrhea and spleen problems, and joint pain.


Moringa oleifera tree is indeed a miracle tree with enormous potentials yet to be fully explored in medicinal and food application. All parts of Moringa oleifera tree is said to have useful assets that can help human being.


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